Every moment is an exchange between us and life.
Where you place your attention is an investment that brings you towards or away from what you
want to create and is ultimately expressing and creating who you are in the outside.
This week, we stalk what is truly part of your value system, what makes your life a work of art.

 Your work this week:

    Calling Your Power Back

    by Inge Broer | Soft & True Meditations

    Clearing Your Energy

    by Inge Broer | Soft & True Meditations

    My bank of Mindfulness meditations

    Here are a variety of mindfulness meditations you can explore this week or later. This is simply a suggestion. You can use whatever works for you ;). These range from 2 minutes to 19-minutes, and range in practices from watching the breath to mindful movement to cultivating the attitudes of mindfulness.