
 Take a deep breath.
Turn your attention inward.

Now, say the word “money” to yourself.

Take your time. Say it again, and again…and one more time…


What happens in your body? in your emotions? in your thoughts?

Is it an empowered, joyful, good feeling? more of a confused, icky, sinking feeling? neutral? flat?

Does it feel like it’s something dirty and wrong, something a spiritual person should maybe not be talking about?
Or like it’s okay to have some, but maybe not more “than you need”?

Just notice for now. There’s nothing to do, nothing to fix It’s just time to have an awareness about the way we vibrate (think/feel/act) every time money comes into our awareness is a communication with between our conscious and unconscious fields of awareness and with the universe.

Everytime we so much think of money, we activate all the sensations, emotions, thoughts and beliefs we hold about money. That creates.

our money vibration is what we’re communicating about money with the Universe.

Every time we pay for something, reach for our wallet, contemplate buying something… we either act from an empowered place or from a disempowered place and that translates into what we end up co-creating with the universe. 

We feel empowered and happy and joyful and think easy empowered thoughts? The universe matches those vibrations and gives us reason to keep having the happy, joyful, easy, empowered vibes
—–> Maybe lots of happy money surprises and money to do the thing we really want to do.

We feel icky and unsure, ambivalent and like we rather not think about it? The universe matches that vibration and gives us reason to keep having the icky, unsure, don’t want to think about it vibes
——> Maybe giving you lots of money and then finding ways to also give you a lot of bills so it all disappears again, or money that comes from sources that don’t feel good, or money that disappears juuuuuust at the wrong moment…

We think money is the source of evil, not spiritual and only leads to pain and suffering? The universe matches that vibration and gives us reason to have those beliefs
——-> Maybe never giving us any money at all, or making us sell our souls for a paycheck, or only manifesting a job where we have to compromise our health and relationships.

The universe doesn’t judge us for our beliefs at all.

The Universe simply wants to be co-creating with us. 

If our vibrations (beliefs/thoughts/emotions/sensations) are aligned with what we want, that’s wonderful. The Universe has a simple task of delivering what we are aligned with wanting. If our vibrations aren’t aligned, the Universe is still doing its best and guessing at what we want based on what we’re most strongly unconsciously and subconsciously projecting. If that happens to not be what we want, it’s an invitation to clear up that vibration and in the process, become our most authentic, radiant selves. To me, this is a win-win situation. You get to ask for what you want, clean up what’s in your vibration that’s not in alignment AND become more of your authentic self in the process.

So, let me ask you –

What are you currently co-creating with the Universe when it comes to your money reality? What is your money vibration? Can you see the links with how you feel about money and how it manifests in your life?

The good news is:

We do not have to wait for the outside manifestations to change to change our vibration about money. We can start from the inside.

In other words,

We can shift how we feel and think about money to shift what we experience about money.

We feel/think/think abundance – We receive abundance.

Now… The way we’re wired around money runs deep.

We’ve been absorbing beliefs and feelings and thoughts about it since we’re in the womb
They’re tied with the beliefs about our worth, about how loyal we need to be to our families, to how safe it is for us to have an exchange with life, and so so so so much more.

Shifting our money vibration can be deep, glorious healing work with repercussions on all the other levels of our being.

These include: our relationships, our self-love, how we communicate, our intuition, our faith in life…

… AND …

Money also is very responsive to the faster, quicker vibrational work (in quick 5-minute exercise bursts) … so it’s a place where we can often see results lightning fast.
This combination of light & deep, result-oriented & transformation is my jam.

and that is what I offer in my one month Money Vibration Healing Container: Money Manifestation Month. Within it, there will be loads of the quicker & easier money-vibration shifts that will create quick and easy results (this seriously doesn’t have to be hard, nor painful). There are also some of the deeper conversations about the energy of money that will create shifts that reverberate into all areas of your life.

You will receive the exercises via e-mail and facebook group to ask your questions or even to receive some healing.

& if you choose to join?
Your first homework is to exchange the money with a knowing and visualizing that that money (and more, way way more!) is coming right back to you.

Lots of love,
Your partner on this crazy healing journey we’re all on,


Money Manifestation Month

In 30 days, shift your relationship with money. You will receive daily prompts to shift both your mindset and your energy around money. No matter your current beliefs, you will start embodying the abundant version of you who has a wonderful relationship with money. In the process, watch money actually pour into your bank account.

Your relationship with money creates suffering for you or you’d like to amplify your abundance vibration.

This course is available for purchase when you’re available for working its magic. You will receive your day 1 e-mail the morning following your purchase.
Please note: I am happy to accept interac e-transfers! Please transfer the full amount (including sales tax) of $111 to info@reikimontreal.org

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